FC Chamber Spotlight: Emily Mays
“I’m a little nervous, but I enjoy everything that the Chamber does,” Mays said.
According to director Cassie Medley, Mays brings a variety of skills to the Chamber board.
“She is a hard worker, creative, business-minded and an asset in marketing and social media,” Medley said.
Mays has been a Chamber board member since 2016, but because of her role at Community Spirit Bank, she has been around Chamber board members for years. Mays said CSB makes an effort to be ingrained in the community, and it has been a tradition for someone with the bank to be involved in the Chamber. Before Mays herself became involved, “I was familiar with a lot of what the Chamber did, but I didn’t know the extent of their involvement in the community,” she said.
Through CSB Mays already participated in community festivals, Relay for Life and other county celebrations. When she became a board member, community service became a way of life for her and her daughter Lola.
“It’s become second nature for both of us. It took a little getting used to, but it’s worth it when you get the satisfaction when it’s done,” she said.
Lola is old enough now, Mays said, that she understands the values her mother has been trying to instill in her.
“It’s just what we do as community helpers. It takes individuals to make where we work and live a better place,” Mays said.
Mays said realizing the number of individuals who volunteer their time for the Chamber was the biggest surprise for her when she joined the board. She was surprised to find out they were just citizens with their own busy schedules who made the time to devote to their communities.
“The county as a whole operates for the success of the individual communities. Whether it’s a festival or a time of need, the county pulls together,” Mays said.
As for her favorite event, the Watermelon Festival takes the cake. It requires the most work, Mays said, but it’s the most rewarding.
Her favorite effort the Chamber coordinates is the Junior Leadership Program.
“It’s a wonderful program that grooms our future leaders, shows the successes in our county and grows our community,” Mays said.
Being a Franklin County native herself, Mays said she appreciates all the Chamber does for the county – because it’s her home.