Helping Santa program gets underway
Santa is adding a few more helpers to his crew this year in the form of the Russellville Fire Department.
RFD’s annual Helping Santa Program is in full swing, and families have until Dec. 8 to turn in their applications and proper documentation, according to Capt. Randy Seal. Applications can be picked up and turned in at the Russellville Police Department from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Toys will be given out Dec. 19-21. Seal said donations will be given to applicants in the Russellville city limits on the first day and county applicants on the second day.
“How much each child gets depends on how many donations we receive, but we try to give everyone an equal amount,” he said.
Last year more than 500 children were able to receive these special Christmas gifts, according to the RFD, but Seal said they don’t have a specific goal set. “We just want to do as much as we can for as many kids as we can,” he said.
The department is accepting new and slightly-used toys for newborns up to 15-year-old children. Donation boxes are set up across Russellville at banks, restaurants, retail stores and more. Seal said Walmart has also been donating gift cards the department can use to buy more toys.
“We’ll go out the Saturday before Dec. 19 and use the money we have received to buy more toys, and then we’ll bag it all up and separate it out,” Seal said.
Monetary donations can be made at the following banks: Alabama Central Credit Union, First Metro Bank, Valley Credit Union, CB&S, Valley State Bank, Listerhill Credit Union and Community Spirit Bank.
Dec. 2 the Russellville Municipal Airport will be hosting the fly-in – or drive-in – toy drive starting at 10 a.m. in support of the Helping Santa program.