4-H special for Franklin County
By Staff
Jonathan Willis
This week has served as another lesson to me on why we are so blessed to live in the part of the world where we do.
Franklin County is such a special place, but sometimes it is often to forget that.
This week, the Franklin County Extension System celebrated the 100th anniversary of the state's 4-H program.
The festivities included a luncheon and presentation Tuesday and concluded with a banquet Thursday night at the Todd Center in Russellville.
It was quite an evening as speaker after speaker talked about the influence that 4-H had on their lives.
They talked about the competitions and trips it afforded them as students, but more importantly, they opened up about the program's role in shaping their lives.
Dr. Alan Sherrill, a local dentist, still has a book of containing his projects and photos from his time as a 4-H member.
"Other than my family and my church, 4-H had as much of an impact on my life as anything," Sherrill said.
That was the sentiment throughout the week as people talked about the program's influence on them.
Orland Britnell, who recently completed a term as president of the Alabama Cattlemen's Association, said he will always be thankful for 4-H and how it shaped his life.
"I will always be the biggest supporter of the 4-H club," Britnell said.
One aspect of the centennial celebration that was unique to us as Franklin County citizens, is the fact that the father of Alabama 4-H was from Rockwood.
Dr. Luther Noble Duncan helped form the Alabama organization in the early 1900s before being named president of his alma mater, Alabama Polytechnic Institute.
The college would later be named Auburn University.
Duncan is one of many prominent county natives who had a great impact on our state and nation, but fortunately, this week he could be remembered for all his accomplishments.
Katernia Cole and all of her staff with the extension system should get a big pat on the back and a thank you for their efforts in making the 4-H centennial a success and a special time for this county.