Lamar freshman Covington wins tennis championship
By By Will Bardwell / staff writer
May 12, 2004
What learning curve?
Lamar School freshman Wade Covington won the MPSA overall singles championship on May 5, highlighting a season in which the Raiders won the South State title and the Lady Raiders finished third in the state tournament.
And Covington has made up for it quickly. The freshman rolled through the private school tennis ranks in 2004 and was rewarded Tuesday by being named the team's Most Valuable Player at a school awards banquet.
Just as he did throughout the recently-completed season, Covington has faced older and stronger competition throughout his career. It's something he says he's become used to.
Gillette, who works as the Northwood Country Club tennis pro, said Covington is the latest in a long line of great tennis players in Meridian.
Those tools, along with a year of experience and one state championship already in his pocket, have Covington looking for another singles title in 2005.