Industrial park could face another delay
By By Fredie Carmichael / staff writer
April 20, 2004
Meridian city councilmen face another tough decision today: A vote that could delay a second key construction project tied to the new Interstate 20/59 industrial park.
Engineering Associates, the Jackson-based firm hired to design the interchange, last month requested permission to complete an additional environmental study for the project.
Earlier this year, Engineering Associates made an error in bid documents to build water and sewer lines at the park leading to a two-month delay in the council hiring a construction company.
Officials with Engineering Associates did not return phone calls Monday seeking their comment.
Monty Jackson, the city's public works director, said the request for a new environmental study stems from a November public meeting on the interchange.
After that meeting, Jackson said, the Mississippi Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration "determined more investigation was needed."
Jackson said he did not know how long the additional study will take or how much it will cost. Councilmen are expected to vote on the request at their 5:30 p.m. regular meeting today.
Local economic development officials have said that both the water and sewer and a new I-20/59 interchange are needed at the park to help attract business and industry.
Ward 5 Councilman Bobby Smith said he's confused about Engineering Associates' new request. Smith said he doesn't understand why the company has to do another environmental study.
He also said he doesn't know if he can vote to allow them to proceed with the study with "nothing saying how much it will cost or how long it will take."