Cheese, wine lineup set for tasting
By By Stan Torgerson / wine columnist
March 17, 2004
The lineup of cheese selected for next week's wine and cheese tasting will make participants think they're on a world tour. Six wonderful cheeses from six different countries ranging from the United States to Tasmania are on the list.
We tasted 12 different cheeses in New Orleans last week in preparing for this event and arriving at consensus choices of our committee. We actually did have a committee of 10. Martin's Wine Cellar set up a table with samples of the various cheese displayed on a cold, marble slab for our consideration. We spent perhaps nearly two hours tasting, discussing and making our final decisions. These then were the selections.
Old Chatham Camembert from New York State. A soft white cheese made from a blend of sheep's and cow's milk, this was an instant no-argue-about-it selection. It will be served with a sparkling wine.
Fromage D'Affinois from France. We served the plain version of this cheese last September, but this is a new blend with herbs that give it a different and yet delightful flavor. It is made from cow's milk, is soft and creamy and paired with a chardonnay. It will certainly compete for cheese of the evening honors.
Honey Goat from Italy. In the past we've served goat cheese that was either too dry and strong flavored for some tasters or that was pleasant but not distinctive. This cheese is neither. It is soft, moist and blended with honey that enhances the flavor without hiding the goat's milk origin. There was no dispute about this cheese. Everyone instantly agree this had to be on the table for the upcoming event. It will be paired with either an American chenin blanc or a German riesling, depending on what is available.
Haws Wengleydale from England. It is an English cheddar, but a different type of cheddar white in color and with a very unusual taste from the normally golden or orange cheddar. The Wengleydale won out against several other cheddars we were offered. It is made from unpasteurized cow's milk, and the wine that will be served to enhance it will be a cabernet sauvignon.
Prima-Donna Gouda from Holland. This is a classic cow's milk cheese made in the gouda style and aged for 12 to 18 months before being released. It finishes with an unusual touch of salty sweetness that we found very pleasant. The wine choice is a shiraz, another big red that will standup to the intense flavor of the cheese.
Roaring 40s blue cheese from Tasmania in Southern Australia. I have no idea why they call their cheese "Roaring 40s" but they do. It is a blue cheese, much creamier than French Roquefort and not nearly as intense. You do not have to like Roquefort cheese to enjoy this Tasmanian version. However, the flavor is similar, but milder, and we plan to serve it with port wine, a preferred companion to this class of cheese.
All cheese will be served on Bremner Wafers, the finest cracker for cheese in the world.
There you have it. Three soft white cheeses, two hard cheeses and a blue. None are available in Mississippi, most are limited production cheeses and all are somewhat pricey.
Now for the bad news. There has been tremendous response to this tasting and we already have a waiting list. Our reputation has truly spread far and wide. For example the chief justice of the Mississippi State Supreme Court, Ed Pittman, and his wife, Virginia, are coming for the event.
Therefore, it is important for those who have made a verbal reservation, but have not as yet sent their check, to understand that no reservation is confirmed without advance payment.
We think it would be unfair to those wishing to attend if we held seats for people who, for one reason or another, choose not to come or cannot come, thus keeping others away.
Seating is limited by Northwood Country Club because of the size of the room and the number of employees available for a large crowd.
If you have made a reservation but have not sent your check please be aware that it must be received by next Monday. We will then begin the difficult process of removing some names and adding people on the waiting list. We hate to do it but we have only a fixed number of seats and an exact amount of cheese for that number. The fee for the tasting is $40. Send the check to Wines Unlimited, P.O. Box 5223, Meridian, MS 39302.