Union's Country Day is Saturday
By By Penny Randall / staff writer
Aug. 23, 2002
Union's Country Day means it's time for some good, old-fashioned fun.
The all-day event is set for Saturday in downtown Union. Activities begin at 8:30 a.m. with the Antique Car Parade, from Jackson Road through downtown.
Robert Blount, Union Day chairman and Chamber of Commerce president, will begin the opening ceremony at 9 a.m. followed by the official welcome from Mayor Max Sessums.
Also welcoming visitors will be Miss Meridian Kim Blackwell, Newton County Junior Miss Mandy McGrevey, Neshoba County Junior Miss Tara Ryals, Choctaw Indian Princess Cheriena Brooke Ben and Miss Neshoba County 2002 Kristy Irons.
Talent winners will perform just after noon. The only event not in downtown Union is the annual Mule Pull at 2 p.m., which is in City Park on Park Street.
U.S. Reps. Ronnie Shows and Chip Pickering, who are running against each other for the newly re-drawn 3rd Congressional District, are scheduled to speak at the event.
Shows now represents the 4th District, while Pickering represents the 3rd District. They were placed in the same U.S. House district after Mississippi lost one of its five congressional seats.
Country Day also will feature the Doris Dickerson Band, country entertainer Carol Kay and the Pearl Quartet. New Wine Gospel Quartet will close the day with a free concert in the Downtown Mini Park. A love offering will be taken up during the show.
8:30 a.m.: Antique Car Parade begins at Jackson Road.
8:45 a.m.: Union High School Band and Union Junior High Choir.
9 a.m.: Official opening by Chairman Robert Blount; fly-over and introduction of special guests.
9:40 a.m.: The Doris Dickerson Band.
10:25 a.m.: U.S. Rep. Ronnie Shows
10:30 a.m.: Gospel singer Marci Hollingsworth Ferguson.
11 a.m.: Country entertainer Clayton Pepper.
11:30 a.m.: Ken Turner, Circuit Court judge candidate.
11:35 a.m.: Country entertainer Madison Hardy.
12:05 p.m.: U.S. Rep. Chip Pickering.
12:10 p.m.: Introduction of Country Boy/Gal Winners and Country Day Talent Winners.
12:20 p.m.: Talent winners perform.
12:35 p.m.: Country and gospel singer Michael Miller.
1:05 p.m.: State Auditor Phil Bryant.
1:10 p.m. : Country entertainer Carol Kay.
1:40 p.m.: The Rev. Stanley Amos and the Joyful Heirs.
2 p.m.: Mule Pull in City Park.
2:10 p.m.: Gospel singer Sherry Hollingsworth.
2:40 p.m.: Gospel bluegrass group Hickory Ridge.
3:35 p.m.: Gospel singer Rusty Walton.
3:50 p.m.: Gospel singer Able Stoliby.
4:05 p.m.: The Pearl Quartet.
5:05 p.m.: The Broken Vessel.
6 p.m.: Arts and crafts show closes.
7 p.m.: New Wine Gospel Quartet.