Aug. 21, 2002
By Staff
Friday Meridian High School Class of 1957 will hold its 45th-year reunion at Holiday Inn Northeast beginning at 6:30 p.m. Drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be served. The next day a picnic will be held at KC Hall on Highway 19 North from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and a dinner at 6 p.m. For information, call Russelyn Dennis Keyes at 485-4884 or send e-mail to:
Aug. 27 The USS Saint Paul (CA-73) Association will hold its 10th reunion in Portland, Ore. For information, call George M. Takis Jr. at (770) 393-3185.
Aug. 27-Sept. 2 The U.S. LST Association is looking for all LST'ers to have a reunion with shipmates from World War II in St. Louis. For information, call Bob Garner at (800) 228-5870 or e-mail
Sept. 1 The Semmes Family Reunion will be at St. Patrick Family Life Center beginning at 11 a.m. It will be a potluck dinner. For information, call Norma Walters at 776-3212 or 632-4758.
Sept. 1 The Bond Family Association 52nd Annual Reunion will be at Wiggins First United Methodist Church, 520 East Pine St., Wiggins, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Bring a picnic lunch for 1 p.m. meal. Business meting and fellowship will follow. For information, call Judy Bethea at (504) 522-9338, Bill Bond at (601) 264-6745 or Chuck Sorensen at (601) 928-6170.
Sept. 4-8 The 25th Infantry Division Association is holding its 53rd annual reunion-convention in Branson, Mo. Also planned is a Veterans Day Weekend (Nov. 8-11) reunion in Washington commemorating the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the Vietnam War Memorial. For more information, write Andy Ansell at RD #3 Box 336 Acme, PA 15610.
Sept. 19-22 All former ship's company, officers and Marine detachment of the USS Canberra (CA-70, CAG-2) who served aboard the ship from 1943 to 1971 are invited to a reunion in Falls Church, Va. For information, call Paul D. McManuels at (717) 737-2516 or e-mail:
Sept. 20-21 Meridian High School Class of 1962 will hold its reunion at Highland Park Carousel House on Friday from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. The gathering continues Saturday, at 6 p.m., at Howard Johnson's. E-mail for more information.
Oct. 5 Southeast Lauderdale High School Class of 1974 will hold its reunion at noon at Coot's Crossing at Bonita Lakes. Bring a picnic lunch, lawn chair, beverage of choice, pictures and memorabilia from high school. If you have not already been contacted, call Debby Payne after 5 p.m. at 693-1423 for details. Registration is $15.
Oct. 12 Jefferson Davis Academy School Reunion will be from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Whynot Community Center. To volunteer to help or for information, call Carrie Jones Latham at 485-4337.
Upcoming Quitman High School Class of 1993 is organizing a planning meeting to discuss its 10-year reunion. For information, email:
Upcoming Clarkdale's Class of 1993 is planning its 10-year reunion. For information, e-mail:
Upcoming Meridian High School Class of 1973 is planning a reunion. For information, call Kathy Manning-Burton at
Upcoming Union Class of 1994 is planning its reunion. To let us know where you are, contact Mandy White at (336) 996-8965 or (336) 665-7622 or e-mail or
Upcoming Meridian High School's Class of 1988 is planning its 15-year reunion to be held in the summer of 2003. For information, e-mail Tiffanie Roberts at