Turnage, McGowin
By Staff
Edward W. "Sonny" and Ann Turnage of Meridian announce the engagement of their daughter, Lori Ann, to Kenny McGowin, son of Kenneth and Cathy McGowin of Meridian.
The wedding will be Saturday, Sept. 14, 2002, at 3 p.m. at Enterprise Baptist Church.
Miss Turnage is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Wesley Clay of Enterprise, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson Turnage Sr.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Enterprise High School. She received an associate's degree from Meridian Community College and a bachelor's degree in business and industry from Mississippi State University-Meridian Campus.
Miss Turnage is a customer service coordinator with Pioneer, Inc.
Mr. McGowin is the grandson of Dean Boyette of Meridian and the late Claude Boyette, Sonny Peterman of Meridian and the late Delois Peterman, and the late Willie Joe McGowin.
The bridegroom-elect is a graduate of Southeast Lauderdale High School. He is employed by Pioneer, Inc. in the receiving department.
A reception will be held in the family life center of the church following ceremony.
Family and friends are invited to attend.