Andy and Eric bike through Hungary
By By Chris Whitaker / staff writer
June 26, 2002
Andy and Eric Armstrong rode the hills of Hungary on Tuesday.
With just eight to 12 kilometers left before they reached Budapest, Hungary their final destination Andy said Tuesday was rough.
Andy, 58, and Eric, 15, started their nine-country European bicycle trip May 31. They had planned to end their trip Thursday; they are running ahead of schedule.
Andy said that at one point they were traveling at 45 to 50 mph when riding down the hills. Said Andy: "If we had hit anything, they would've mailed our parts back."
Before Andy and Eric left Komarom, Hungary, Tuesday morning for their trip to Budapest, they hit a major snag: Andy lost his red hat.
Andy said he found his hat hanging on a post at a restaurant across the street from the hotel. He also said he found prices in Hungary were not high.
When they were ready to leave the hotel, Andy asked the manager for directions to the bike path; he and Eric got lost the day before. The manager wrote specific directions for them to follow.
They finally made it back to the bike path. Then, Andy and Eric then met a retired couple from San Francisco and who now live in Budapest. The couple gave them directions to Budapest.
At one point while riding, Andy said he and Eric they saw corn and wheat fields from the top of a hill. He said they also saw a field of sunflowers.
Andy and Eric stayed Tuesday night in Budakeszi, Hungary. They plan to be in Budapest today.