Scores soaring in local bowling leagues
By By M.A. Copeland/Special to The Star
Sept. 11, 2001
The rain is falling and the scores are soaring. If you are not out bowling and having fun you're missing the boat.
Get a group, your family or just yourself and come out and enjoy some fun. The great thing about bowling is that you can do it by yourself, with the family or in a group and the fun and exercise are there for you.
The labor day doubles tournament was a good one as we had 122 entries.
If you didn't make it, you missed a good one. We still need one lady for Tuesday night's ladies league if you would like to bowl.
We have an opening or two for Mix League and the men's league. If interested please call 483-2283. We need you.
High scores for the week are Rodney Bounds with a 705 and Eric Embrey with a 279/714.
Stan Bottorff had a 300/746 and Bill Fike had a 705. Chuck Gray had a 720 while Johnnie Blackmon had a 723 and Andrew Clayton had a 737.
Tyrone McAlpine had a 715 and Shayne Barfield had a 704. John Lott rounds out the top high scores with his 704.
For the ladies, Amy Davis rolled a 266/689 and Nita Fike had a 259/673. Nonie Embrey had a 257 while Shirley Gaines had a 601.
Eunice Dillard had a 243/610. That is Eunice's first 600. Good bowling, Eunice.
Now it is time to move on to the league high scores. In Dixie Belles, Nonie Embrey had a 257 and Shirley Gaines had a 601.
In Queen City, Stan Bottorff had a 300 and Leon Fike had a 771. In Ball &Chain, Ron Coleman 278 and Johnnie Blackmon had a 723.
For the ladies, Lisa Parker had a 223 and Billie Coleman had a 591. In Seniors, Randell Palmer had a 235/646 . In Monday Nighters, Johnny Tinsley had a 238/620 and Eunice Dillard had a 243/610.
In Hucklebuck, Shayne Barfield had a 275 and Andrew Clayton had a 737. In Tuesday Mix, Scott White had a 248 and Sidney Porter had a 651 while Donna McAllister led the ladies with a 201/532.
In Bowlerettes, Nita Fike had a 259/673. In Wednesday Mix, Shawn Kasper had a 279 and Brian Gressett had a 688 while Amy Davis led the ladies with a 266/689.
In Northwood league, Ruth Church had a 176, 484.
As we go to closing just remember a visit to your bowling center means an enjoyable outing. At Dixie Bowl we can take care of all your bowling needs.