Mike Cothern bowls perfect 300 game
By By M.A. Copeland/Special to the Star
May 22, 2001
I hope you have had a good week. For me it could have been better.
For those of you fussing at me because the report was not in the paper, it was not my fault. I did my part. I will not run all of the high scores from last week, but i will mention the 299 game bowled by Ron Coleman on Friday night in the Ball &Chain.
The past Friday night, Mike Cothern rolled a perfect game of 300. It was the first scored on lanes 21 and 22. Now all the lanes have a perfect score. Good bowling fellow.
While on good bowling, a reminder for you fellows 50 years of age and up, the SASBA traveling tournament will be at Dixie Bowl June 22nd, 23rd and 24th. The 22nd consists of a two-game sweeper starting at 1 p.m. Finals start at 6 p.m. The regular tournament will start Saturday morning with check in around 9 a.m. This is a scratch event. The pay out is 1 out of 3. I would appreciate as many of you that can to bowl.
We will now go to the high scores starting with Mike Cothern's 300/762. Andrew Clayton had a 298/782 and Jeff Gaines had a 279/719 and also a 701. Johnnie Blackmon had a 700, Thomas Clay a 720, Tyrone McAlpine a 708 and Don King rolled a 288/719.
In Dixie Belles, Pat James had a 244 and Janie Tisdale had a 635. In Ball &Chain, Sue Kirkpatrick had a 216 and Sheila Dearman had a 566.
The Ball &Chain will roll off and that will end the winter season. It has been a good one. I thank all of you for your business and if you are not bowling in a summer league, I hope you have a great summer. We'll look to see you in August. All summer leagues start May 28th through June 1st.
Also, Dixie Bowl will be closed for resurfacing startuntil 5 p.m. Friday. Until next time have a great week.