School digest
By Staff
May 6, 2001
The following Newton County High School students were inducted into Mu Alpha Theta, the national mathematics honorary society: Kelly Williams, Dustin Yeager, Claudia Zynosky-Sharpling, Michael Holyfield, Emily Mayes, Damien Wash, April Dade, Tawana Bender, Matt Boggan, Lewis Cocker, Kristen Gardner, Suzie Sorey, Kelly McGee, Ashley Parnell, Kristal Burton, Justin Dean, Austin Griffin, Allen Davis, Luke Howell, Jessica Sheehan, Gabe Harrison, Dex McCune, Mark Walker, Robby Carey, Dustan Todd, Jessica Jackson, Jennifer Walley, Amanda McGrevey, Shelly Ferguson, Kristin Chaney and Dex Akins.
DECATUR The following students have been selected as Centralettes, the dance line for East Central Community College's Wall O'Sound Marching Band: Claudia Zynosky Sharplin of Newton County High School, Beth Pearson of Nanih Waiya, Melissa Evans of Carthage, Kristin Rice of Newton County Academy, Aleda Moore of Meridian, Sandy Keene of Union and Carrie Cumberland and Melody Griffin, both of Philadelphia.
The following Newton County Elementary School students competed in the Newton County Elementary Science Fair:
First place winners: Dylan Nichols, Brittney Cochran, Jeremy May, Megan Munn, Rachel Addy and Ayla Smith.
Second place winners: Emily Lanier, Matthew Sistrunk, Kellye Reeves, Brandi Dyess, Phillip Parker and Candi Vance.
Third place winners: Kimberly Goodin, Holly Alexander, Lacey Gilmore, Caleb Alexander and Charlotte Watkins.
Honorable mention: Mac McLemore, Brittney Vanderslice, Jody Lawson, Brian Felton and Elise Gibbs.