Local Digest
By Staff
Red Cross to hold fund-raiser
The final event marking Red Cross Month will be a barbecue fund-raiser catered by Squealers to be held Friday at the Red Cross Office, 1711 24th Ave. The barbecue will begin at 11 a.m. and end at 1 p.m.
Orders of five or more to the same address will be delivered free of charge. Plates are $6 and include pork, baked beans, potato salad, bread and dessert. All proceeds go to the local chapter of the American Red Cross.
Tickets can be purchased at the Red Cross office or by calling 485-5151.
March of Dimes to sponsor fish fry
A fish fry and car wash sponsored by the March of Dimes, "Kandice's Team," will be held Saturday, April 7, at Calvary Baptist Church. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Catfish plates prepared by cooks at the Back 40 restaurant will be sold for $6. For more information, call 693-5431.
Fund established for Traci R. Alsup
A trust fund has been established at BankPlus for Traci R. Alsup, who was critically injured March 15 in an automobile accident. Donations to help cover medical expenses can be made at any BankPlus branch. For more information, call Cynthia Redmond at 659-4660.
Public invited to upcoming events
Check out these events, coming up in the next couple of weeks in East Central Mississippi:
Saturday Queen City Speedway presents the Mississippi State Championship Challenge Race. For information, call 485-0201.
Saturday Martin Volunteer Fire Department Annual Fund-raiser. Chicken plates will go on sale at 10 a.m. for $5. A craft sale begins at 9 a.m., which will include antiques, gel candles, baskets, wood crafts and more. For information, call Robin at 737-5968 or Rae at 737-5333.
Saturday Meridian Community College's Phi Beta Lambda chapter will sponsor the Multiple Sclerosis Society's annual walk at Bonita Lakes. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Lunch will be served after the walk. For more information, call Brenda Arnsdorff, PBL chapter adviser, at 484-8810, or the MS Society at (601) 856-7575.
Saturday Enterprise Fire Department and Ambulance Service will hold a chicken barbecue beginning at 11 a.m. The cost is $5 a plate. For information, call Bessie Speed at 659-4502.
Saturday Newton County Elementary School and Newton County Junior High School will hold their annual "Beauty and Beau" pageants at 6 p.m. at the East Central Community College auditorium. Tickets are $3. For more information, call Judy Leach 635-2718 or Pam Keith 635-2956.
April 21 The Central Mississippi Spring Review Pageant will be held at 4 p.m. at East Central Community College's Huff Auditorium. The entry fee is $35, photo fee is $10. Contestants should wear Sunday dresses. Registration deadline is April 16. For information, call 683-7985.
The staff of the Lauderdale County Agri-Center announces these upcoming events: 1) April 7 Longhorn Cattle Show; and 2) April 22-23 Hendrix Family Circus. For more information, call 482-8498.
Union celebrates National Library Week
Union Public Library will celebrate National Library Week April 1-7 with several events.
An art show and reception will be held April 1, from 2-4 p.m. at the library. The event will be hosted by Union Public School Art Club and the Present Day Club. Works by the students of art instructor Mandy Feasel will be displayed all week. Story hour will be held April 4, from 10-11 a.m., for children ages 3-5.
A health screening by Laird Hospital staff will be conducted April 5, from 2-4 p.m. The week of April 1-7 is also "fine-free" week. The public is invited to all these events.
St. Patrick School holds rummage sale
St. Patrick School's Parent School Association will host an annual rummage sale April 7, from 7 a.m. to noon, at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Highway 19 North. All proceeds from the sale will benefit the school. For more information, call 482-6044.