Phil Campbell reports on project progress, other business
During the regular meeting of the Phil Campbell City Council Feb. 7, Mayor Michael McQuary, reported on progress toward adding a walking track, baseball court and permanent farmers market location to the city’s resources.
“I went and laid off about how the walking track is going to go – and the basketball court,” McQuary said. “We just have to get some contractors to give us some prices on it.”
Phil Campbell town clerk Virginia Burks said the intended location is on previously purchased land beside the splash pad on Highway 237. She said the vision is to eventually have a full recreational facility there, including a swimming pool.
Burks said the town is in the process of getting bids.
In other business, the council approved:
- $5,400 for lights on the baseball field. McQuary said the figure was initially expected to be $3,500, with the school having agreed to pay half of that amount, but a 65–foot boom had to be rented at a cost of $1,900. The council approved paying the full amount now and billing the school for half of the initial estimate of $3,500.
- Renewal of a $100,000 line of credit with CB&S Bank. McQuary said it doesn’t cost anything for the town to have the line of credit, but if it’s drawn upon, the interest rate increases from 5.5 percent to 7.5 percent. McQuary said the line is good to have in case of emergency.
- Renewal of Alabama Municipality insurance for a period of one year, during which time the council will seek a potential replacement because of increased rates. The council voted against a three-year renewal, given the price increase.
- Advertisement for a sanitation/street department worker with CDLs to fill a vacancy expected to begin Feb. 17. Starting pay is $14 per hour, with a 90–day probation period – after which, with a successful evaluation, pay will increase to $15 per hour.
- Reappointment of Denny Haygood to continue his position on the water board.
- $250 sponsorship, one of five available levels, for Phil Campbell Baseball.
- Continuation of yearly $1,000 donation to NACOLG for the Senior Employment Program.
- Proclamation of February 2023 as National Parent Leadership Month. Kayla Starr Gregory Erie, a volunteer with the Alabama Parent Advisory Council and the Alabama Department of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, briefly spoke about the topic, the initiative is about creating greater awareness. She said the council will send resources to groups and schools about support groups, rehabilitation centers and grants available for parents and children in need.
Councilmembers also reported they are pursuing entertainment possibilities for the annual Hoedown festival.
During the public comment period, Patricia Townsend and Mike Wells with Holiness House of God in Phil Campbell requested approval to use the town park May 17-21 for a tent revival.
Townsend said churches from surrounding communities will be invited, and people from different religions are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate. She said plans include preaching and singing.
Wells said the event would not later than 11 p.m. each night, and nobody involved would keep any money received through offerings taken; offerings will be given to a charity in Phil Campbell, with the church open to suggestions about which charity it should be.
Since the request was not on the original agenda for the meeting, McQuary said the issue will be added to the agenda for next month’s meeting, and the council will make a decision at that time.
The next meeting of the Phil Campbell City Council is scheduled for Feb. 21, with the work session starting at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting following. Meetings are held in Phil Campbell City Hall in downtown Phil Campbell.