PHOTOS: Calvary Baptist holds Christmas festival
Stan Smith with Wild Hearts Carriage Rides takes festivalgoers on rides near the church.
Dianna Hill sings at the Dec. 18 Calvary Baptist Christmas festival, a first-time event, in Russellville.
Dana Hill, Addy Ruiz, Ana Claire King and Reagan Fike take in the sights.
Max Moussad, Rex Mayfield, Brianna Rikard, Coty Rikard, Tonya Lawler, Shane Lawler, Greg Ayers and Elijah Lawler portray a classic nativity scene.
Children have a “snowball fight.”
Freddy Luna and Carlos Luna take part in Russellville Calvary Baptist Church’s Christmas festival Dec. 18.
Andrew, Blakely and Bentley Fugate take part in the fun.
Destiny Elkins and Blayne Bullion enjoy a game at the Christmas festival.
Yvonne Smith, Alissa Wallace, Caitlin Swinney and Courtney Wallace enjoy the Christmas festival.
Amanda Hatton, Carson Hatton, Gage Peoples, Destiny Hatton, Oakley Lynn and Dennis Hatton enjoy a fire during the festival.
Russellville’s Calvary Baptist Church hosted a Christmas festival on the grounds of the church Dec. 18.
Activities included a live nativity, live animals, Christmas caroling, carriage rides, ornament making and Christmas tree lighting, along with food, fun and “snow.”
Wade Wallace, the church’s pastor, said he hopes people were reminded about the real “reason for the season: to celebrate Christ and his birth.”