Red Bay City Council approves financial forecast
The Red Bay City Council approved the 2022-2023 financial forecast during its Nov. 2 meeting.
“We don’t call ours a budget, as we know things change through the year,” explained Red Bay Mayor Charlene Fancher, who noted the city had a “very good year,” which she attributed to “fantastic teamwork with all departments.”
Fancher noted an increase of $1.25 per hour for full-time city employees and $0.75 per hour for part-time city employees.
She said the financial forecast includes several projects, some of which are:
- Ambulance building repairs
- Jail repairs
- Police building interior repairs
- Replacement of outside lights at police building
- New traffic and street lights, as well as new pole decorations and new street signs citywide
The council also approved:
- Reappointing Doug Liles to the City of Red Bay Water Works and Gas Board, noting the position is a six-year staggered term with a new expiration of Nov. 6, 2028.
- The new Local Government Health Insurance Board Rates, noting the rate paid by the city is still within the 15 percent cap approved Oct. 5, 2020.
- Posting of the positions of Marco Bostick and Jim Lovette on the City of Red Bay Industrial Board. The positions are six-year terms with a new expiration of Dec. 1, 2028.
- A vehicle purchase swap with the sewer board, wherein the sewer board will pay the city an already-agreed upon sum of $10,000. During the previous meeting, the council approved the purchase of a Dodge Ram 1500 crew cab to be used for Parks and Rec.
- Purchase of a vehicle for City Hall, up to $35,000, leaving the make open, dependent upon availability. Fancher noted the senior center has a 2008 Ford Fusion, which was donated by NACOLG. She recommended, and the council agreed, the transferring of the City Hall Tahoe to the senior center because they need the room to pack and deliver meals.
- Paving bid from Mid-South Paving for miscellaneous paving project areas. Fancher explained their engineer, Ron Hawkins, recommended not going with the lowest bid because the contractor is not state licensed. Mid-South Paving, the next lowest bid, is state-licensed.
- Transfer of $70,000 from the HB22019 10-cent fund gasoline tax, $10,000 from the municipal aid 4-cent tax, $5,000 from the municipal aid 5-cent tax fund and $15,000 from the municipal aid 7-cent fund, to help with the cost of miscellaneous paving project areas.
Fancher made a report concerning the property to be purchased by Tiffin Motorhomes. Following a completed professional survey, the size surveyed was 17.77 acres. She said zero timber bids had been received for the property, so the council or industrial development board will need to decide about Tiffin being able to cut the timber themselves, thus receiving any money for that. The council approved.
- The City of Red Bay will be closed Nov. 11 to observe Veteran’s Day. Friday’s garbage route will run Nov. 14.
- Peppermint Day in the Bay will be held Nov. 19.
- Christmas Open House will be held Dec. 4 from 1-4:30 p.m. The Annual Christmas Tree Lighting will be held at 5 p.m.
The next meeting will be held Nov. 16. A work session will begin at 3 p.m., and the council meeting will begin at 3:30 p.m., at Red Bay City Hall, 203 Fourth Ave. SE.