County Extension announces this year’s Watermelon Festival contests
Feeling creative? Love watermelons? Get those creative juices flowing with the yearly opportunity to participate in the Franklin County Watermelon Festival contests.
Sponsored by the Franklin County Extension, with the usual and fitting theme of “Red, White and Green,” contests include Cutest Baby/Child Photo Contest, Iced Tea Contest, Coloring Contest and Watermelon Recipe Tasting Contest.
All entries must be turned in to the Franklin County Cooperative Extension office Aug. 17 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Awards may be picked up at the Extension office Aug. 22 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For more information, contact the Franklin County Extension office at 256-332-8880.
Cutest Baby/Child Photography Contest
To enter a baby/child’s photo in the contest, submit a photo no smaller than 5×7 and no larger than 11×14, mounted on poster or foam board.
Categories are Baby/Toddler, 0 to Pre-school and 4-5 years old. Judges must be able to see the baby’s/child’s face clearly, and they must be the main focus of the picture.
Include on the back of the mounted photo: Name, Address, Phone Number, Category and Age.
Prizes are as follows: first place, $25; second place, $20; and third place, $15.
Only one entry per person.
Iced Tea Contest
Contestants must be 18 years or older. To enter, provide the recipe; half a gallon of the tea in a non-returnable plastic container; and the following contact information: Name, Address, Phone number and Category.
Entries will be judged on taste, and they may be sweetened or flavored, such as watermelon, peach or other flavors.
Prizes are as follows: first place, $30; second place, $25; and third place, $20.
Only one entry per person.
Coloring Contest
This contest is for kindergarten through sixth grades. Coloring sheets can be picked up on the first floor of the Franklin County Courthouse.
There are two age categories: kindergarten through third grade and fourth through sixth grade.
Please include the following on the back of the coloring sheet: Name, Parent’s Name, Address, Phone Number and Age.
Prizes are as follows: first place, $12; second place, $10; and third place, $8.
Watermelon Recipe Tasting Contest
Contestants must be 18 years or older. With the entry, please provide a recipe along with the
following contact information: Name, Address, Phone number and Category. Entries will be
judged on taste. Recipes must contain watermelon.
Prizes are as follows: first place, $50; second place, $40; and third place, $30.
Only one entry per person.