February 2022 Land Transactions
Feb. 1
Nelda Moore to Matthew Moore, warranty
Freddy Hugh Fuller to Donald Wayne Jackson, quit claim
Alan Stein to Tammy Camp, warranty
New Cingular Wireless to Cityswitch II-A LLC, lease (assignment)
Feb. 2
Andres Miguel to Luis Lopez Galicna, sale contract
Feb. 3
Floyd Newell to Rilen Jace West, warranty
Johnnie Weatherford to Levi A. McNatt, executor’s
Charlie One to Clayton C. McNatt, executor’s
Dennis Jones to Uriel Franco, warranty
Feb. 4
Nancy Underwood McCalpin to Kenneth Chadwick Hughes, power of attorney
Teresa Nelson to Albertin Agustine Francisco, warranty
Gustavo Perez Chavez to Tracey Diana Chavez, warranty
Brian K. Hall to Ford Motor Credit Company, affidavit
Brett Alan Hall to Brian Hall, warranty
Daniel J. Lindsay to Black Wolf Holdings LLC, warranty
Dale Jeffreys to Frances Brown, warranty
Richard Habada to Heath Voyles, warranty
William Feltmon to Heath Voyles, easement
Brian S. Bentley to Brian S. Bentley, survivorship
Gregory Parrish to Marco Tulio Manu Aguirre, warranty
Feb. 7
Alton D. Hallman to Mary Glass, warranty
Alton D. Hallman to Mary Glass, warranty
Muriel Louise Woodruff to Maria Martin, warranty
Timothy Chad Horton to Kimberly Shay Horton, power of attorney
Louise E. Seay to Danny Brown, warranty
Mollie P. Crawley to Jason E. Landers, warranty
Autumn L. Stanford to William A. Stanford, quit claim
Ada Jane Kelly to Juan Gerardo Garcia, survivorship
Michael Roy Fowler to Kaitlin J. Fowler, warranty
Feb. 8
Linda G. Pickard to Linda G. Pickard, corrective
Daniel Wynn to David Bagwell, warranty
Feb. 9
Troy Collum Jr. to Isaac J. Cummings, warranty
Feb. 10
Federal Deposit Insurance to JP Morgan Chase Bank, power of attorney
B&M Builders Supply Inc. to Jose Manuel Sanchez-Cotoc, survivorship
Amy J. Scott to Paul Bingham, affidavit
Virginia Hubbard to Christopher C. Hubbard, warranty
Barbara T. Cain to Karen Townsend, warranty
Barbara T. Cain to Karen Townsend, warranty
Feb. 11
Michael Potter to Corey Pounders, administrator’s
John John II LLC to Clarence E. Hicks, survivorship
Wanda Welch to Charles Edward Walker, quit claim
Preble Nell Hall to Feng Chen, warranty
Darcie Lindley to Gary Lindsey, survivorship
Gregory Cash to Rodney Baker, warranty
Amy Dean Fernandez to Amy Fernandez, affidavit
Shirley Jean Cagle to Raymond Madden, quit claim
Jeffrey Cash to Gregory Cash, easement
Phillip Humphries to Carla Lee Chambers, warranty
Timothy R. Cleveland to Tabetha Raquel Pinkard, warranty
Jennifer Leigh Wiggs to Mary Kathryn Wiggins, warranty
Feb. 14
Glen Graham to Byron Duncan, survivorship
Thomas Jamison Poss to John Derek Sweeney, warranty
Debra Ann Fretwell to Mindy Huton, warranty
Darlene C. Hill to Anthony Selvaggio, survivorship
Amanda Cothrum to Paul Cothrum, power of attorney
Matthew Brett Weeks to Shanda D. Ergle, power of attorney
Matthew Brett Weeks to Greg Parrish, warranty
Feb. 15
Marian Kay Hurst Henson to Emily Renea Hurst Rush, warranty
Hayden Dees to Homer Dees, administrator’s
Juanita Henson to David Ward, administrator’s
Billy D. Cummings to Keith Taylor, warranty
Thomas Puckett to Tara L. Puckett, quit claim
Feb. 16
Chris Darracott to Ellis Wooten, warranty
Amy J. Scott to Ruth Hardin, affidavit
Sharon Fuller to Cesar Sop, warranty
Kevin Pace to Todd Crumpton, survivorship
Eddie Beason to Kathy D. Blasingame, affidavit
Joseph Brent Massey to James D. Hill, warranty
Cesar Sop to Nelson Antonio Garcia, warranty
Feb. 17
Eric McKinney to Benjamin Starline King, corrective
Feb. 18
Robert Wilson to Luis Rene Vasquez Roman, warranty
Jerry Paul Fancher to Small Claim Court, affidavit
Jerry P. Fancher to Stephen Lawrence Johnson, warranty
The Industrial Development to J.B. Moore, warranty
Doris Searcy to Devin Blake Montgomery, corrective
Wendell Wynn to Christalynn Jones, survivorship
Brian Mitchell to Thomas Gene Foster Jr., warranty
Ricky D. Young to Jacob Ward, warranty
Jose Victor Merida to Reina E. Herrera, quit claim
Feb. 22
James Rufus Cummings to David Ward, warranty
Global Signal Acquisition to The Town of Phil Campbell, easement
The Town of Phil Campbell to Global Signal Acquisition, assignment misc
Arlon E. Glasgow to Don Walker II, survivorship
Joshua Barber to James Peyton Bolton, warranty
Marlaina G. Steien to Melissa R. Hilderbrand, warranty
Sarah J. Mayfield to Dana Greenhill, survivorship
Feb. 23
Price T. Fergerson to Christopher Lane Yancey, warranty
C. Rex Mayfield to Andres Miguel, executor’s
Antonio Tomas Jose to Angelina Pedro Jose, warranty
Maystone Enterprises LLC to Hayes Investments LLC, warranty
Feb. 24
Shelley Barnes to Shelley Denise Barnes, warranty
Feb. 25
Wanda Rene McCurry to Wanda Patricia Underwood, warranty
Joe Keeton to Daniel Keeton, corrective
Travis Russell Plylar to Floridalma Patricia Cruz, warranty
Gladys C. Lane to William A. Lane, survivorship
Keith Wilson to Alex Matias, survivorship
Marian Kay Hurst Henson to Emily Renea Hurst Rush, affidavit
Jerry Hall to Bobbi Headley, sale contract
Town of Vina to Franklin County Industrial Board, warranty
Arlis Burks to Jeffrey Burks, warranty
Arlis Burks to Jeffrey Burks, warranty
Arlis Burks to Jeffrey Burks, warranty
Shannon Oliver to Jenny Sandusky, warranty
Jenny Sandusky to Randall Pounds, warranty
Eurshel Nichols to CB&S Bank, foreclosure
Danny Brown to Juan Sanchez Siquina, contract
Doris Ann Bishop to Jerrod McKinney, survivorship
Joseph Gallagher to Ronald Shane Page, survivorship
Richard A. Juliano to Matthew Thomas McDonald, warranty
Michael Jones to Michael Jones, survivorship
Feb. 28
The KDM Irrevocable Trust to Keith Dwight McKinney, certification of trust
Marilyn Gail McKinney Black to Daniel Mark Evans, warranty
Eric Rogers to Jose Luis Quintana, survivorship
Gregory Parrish to Dalila Delgado Soto, warranty