October brings ‘Socktober,’ Breast Cancer Awareness Month
The month of October is a busy one for the clubwomen of the GFWC Book Lovers Study Club.
As many are aware, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Book Lovers Study Club continues to be a supporter of breast cancer awareness through making donations, promoting the need for mammogram screening tests and assisting cancer survivors on their journey to wellness.
More than $2,400 has been donated to Russellville Hospital by the Book Lovers Study Club.
Nearly everyone in your community has likely been touched by breast cancer in some way – personally or through the experience of a family member, friend or co-worker. Among women, breast cancer continues to be the most frequently diagnosed cancer other than skin cancer.
Breast cancer is also the second leading cause of cancer death in women.
The American Cancer Society estimates more than 200,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year. Don’t be one of the statistics; get your mammogram this month!
Another project the Book Lovers Study Club is supporting is Socktober, which is a made-up word based on the combination of SOCK and OCTOBER.
It was launched by creator Brad Montague October 2011 when he realized there was a large homeless population in his hometown, and he wanted to do something about it.
While researching the needs of the homeless community, he learned socks are the items least donated to homeless shelters. He wrote a Socktober rap and filmed himself wishing people “Happy Socktober!” as he gave out pairs of socks on the streets, and he posted these videos on social media.
People saw these videos and wanted to know how they could help. Since then, Socktober has exploded!
Kids and adults started their own sock drives to benefit their local homeless shelters. In 2013, Socktober teamed up with Kid President to spread the word and encourage more people to participate.
Book Lovers members are donating socks to the Franklin County DHR in support of Socktober.
Other projects club members observe during the month of October are Fire Prevention Week, National Book Month, National Arts and Humanities, crime prevention; Domestic Violence Awareness; and GFWC Advocates for Children.
These are very worthwhile projects that need the support of our community!