Homefolks U.S.A.
Hi folks,
In about one month, I believe March 21 we can look forward to the arrival of spring.
I am really looking forward to beautiful sunny days. Cold dark rainy days are not my favorite, but they are good days as well.
Mother Nature has allowed a few warm days, and many of the early trees and shrubs are beginning to sprout and bloom. It is always a beautiful time when we see the buttercups beginning to bloom, but we have also seen snow on buttercups. I hope that is not the case this year.
Last week was an enjoyable time for me because several of my old buddies came by the store who I have not had a chance to visit with for a number of years.
One to pay a visit was my good friend Wayne Heater.
Wayne is always a happy kind of guy. He has played in several bluegrass bands, and he really enjoys music. His visit was really appreciated, and he made it more exciting with the purchase of a new set of bedding.
I remember many years ago when he purchased a house full of furniture from Bolton’s, replacing all his furniture after a fire had destroyed his home.
We talked, laughed and shard many happy memories from bygone days.
I made the remark that real friends return and buy again when they need furniture. This is certainly true with my god friend Wayne Hester.
I also ran into my friend Mr. Odell Kimbrough. He and his wife Ruth had a restaurant on main street in Russellville for several years. Many of us would meet at the restaurant every morning and enjoy some of the best food ever, prepared by Ruth.
I was sorry to hear that Ruth’s health is not as good as we would hope, but we hope and pray she will improve.
I have so many good memories of Ruth and Odell. Please remember both in your prayers every day.
One of our regular readers, Mr. Kerry Gilbert, tells me he never misses reading our stories each week in Homefolks U.S.A. We really appreciate that. Kerry does a good job in bringing folks to the Roxy Theater every month with his performance there.
March 21 Mr. Ronnie McDowell will return to the Roxy for his annual performance. Please get your tickets and be prepared for another wonderful show.
I am sure it will be a packed house, as it is every year.
Please continue to support the efforts to bring folks to our city; if this happens, we will all be winners.
Thanks for reading our story each week; your good remarks are always appreciated very much.
Til next time,
Your friend,