Letter to the Editor: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Committee recaps observance in Franklin County
Dear editor,
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. devoted his life to strengthen the contents of America’s character. Dr. King challenged our nation to live up to its founding principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.
The Franklin County branch of the Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Committee, along with the northwest Alabama branch of the Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Committee, celebrated MLK Day with a commemorative march and an event to honor the legacy of Dr. King.
Franklin County’s elected officials were invited to participate in this event; however, it appears they did not deem or feel it necessary, as no one attended nor offered to support the 2017 “resolution” that made the City of Russellville an honorary Martin Luther King Jr., holiday.
We are committed to “keeping the dream alive” and would like to thank Franklin, Colbert and Lauderdale counties for attending and supporting MLK Day and events. In addition, we would like to thank the Russellville Police Department, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and the Russellville Fire Department.
We would furthermore like to thank each individual and businesses for their donations, support and participation in making this event a success. We are forever grateful for your acts of kindness and support, which empowers us to influence and aid students in continuing their education.
“Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
William Nelson
Franklin County branch