Thieves raid rescue squad
Several items are missing after a break-in at the Franklin County Rescue Squad building Jan. 11. Franklin County Rescue Squad Chief Pete Brackin said the break-in occurred late that Saturday night, with approximately $7,000 worth of equipment being stolen.
Among the items stolen were six fire and rescue squad badges, fire and rescue squad shirts and numerous equipment.
“They spent the night going through everything in that place,” Brackin said. “They had to have because they went from one end of that building to the other.”
Brackin said the thieves broke into his office and trashed his desk, where they stole the six badges and various change.
Brackin said the thieves tried to take an air compressor and some of the diving equipment, but he thinks someone drove up and scared them away before they had a chance.
Russellville Police Chief Chris Hargett said Brackin sent him a list of the supplies stolen, and investigators are searching local pawn shops to try to recover the missing items.
Brackin said a base radio and two portable radios were stolen, worth approximately $3,000, but the radios are useless to the thieves unless they can find someone on the Franklin County network to sell to.
Thieves also stole two weed eaters, three chainsaws, first aid supplies and various rescue equipment.
Anyone who might have information related to the break-in is encouraged to call the Russellville Police Department at 256-332-2230.