Tis the season for giving, right here in our community
The idea of the “season of giving” has become more prominent, especially over the past few years.
The holidays are a time for celebration, family, friends, gratitude and generosity. There is no doubt this is the time of year to be thankful for everything we have and to give a little back.
Tangible items are great, and nothing is wrong with making large donations to good causes – but nothing is more priceless than kindness and love. Sometimes the only thing people need is to be shown support through genuine care and compassion.
The saying “They might forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel” by Carl W. Buehner is so fitting during this time. Humans are capable of changing others’ lives, and we should really use this season to make it happen.
The best way for an immediate impact is by volunteering. There is no better way to end the year than by giving back to your community.
Through local organizations, many acts of kindness and giving have been exercised throughout the year. Organizations give monetary donations as well as voluntary hours to FAME Girls Ranch, Breast Cancer, Relay for Life, Operation Christmas Child, Safeplace, the Department of Human Resources for foster children, veterans, child abuse, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Jagger’s Journey, domestic violence, scholarships, libraries, schools, Toys for Tots, World Fellowships, downtown beautification, decorations and many more worthwhile projects.
As an individual you can make a difference in others’ lives and your community through volunteering.
No matter what your definition of giving is, it is important to know there are other ways to bring this season of joy to others. Whether it is through old-fashioned gift giving, or spreading kindness and showing selflessness, any time of the year can be meaningful and incredibly beautiful.
It all starts with you.
Rather than only applying these ideas to the holiday season, practice these different aspects of the giving spirit year round.
Begin with making it a New Year’s resolution to perform more acts of kindness or to put more smiles on others’ faces as you set out on your giving journey. No matter what, always keep in mind that there is never a time when you shouldn’t be considerate.