Chamber unveils 2019 keepsake
The Franklin County Chamber of Commerce’s 2019 Christmas Keepsakes have arrived, this year featuring a favorite Phil Campbell Destination.
This year’s Chamber keepsake showcases Dismals Canyon, a National Natural Landmark and local treasure. The nature conservatory is famous for the Dismalites glowworms.
Chamber of Commerce director Cassie Medley said the chamber board of directors discusses and choose the Franklin County site to highlight each year on the commemorative keepsake. This is the eighth year the Chamber has offered such a memento, with previous sites featured – starting in 2012 – being the Franklin County Courthouse, Northwest-Shoals Community College, Historic Roxy Theatre, Rock Bridge Canyon Equestrian Park, Bear Creek Development Authority, Hotel Red Bay and, last year, the Franklin County Bicentennial.
“Keepsakes will be available from now into the new year,” Medley said. “There are also a limited number of keepsakes from previous years.”
The sale of the ornaments allow the Chamber to award scholarships each spring, and Medley said they are cherished gifts for many who have purchased or received them.
“Many families have memories attached to these historic places. Each ornament is a bit of Franklin County history,” Medley said.
Medley said Dismals Canyon was contacted last week with the news. “They were surprised and excited to have the Dismals showcased
on the 2019 Keepsake.”
Keepsakes are available for $15 each at the Chamber office.