Census committee continues education
The Franklin County 2020 Census Committee met with business owners Thursday as it continues its efforts to educate on the importance of participating in the upcoming census.
The meeting was held at Russellville Fire Department Station 1 beginning at 7 p.m. Census Committee Chairman Dick Rowland said the time limited the number of people who were able to attend, but there was still a good crowd.
“We were able to have a really nice discussion about the census and talk about how would be the best way to have everyone involved,” Rowland said.
He said there seven or eight new faces attended most recent meeting, with one in attendance inviting him to speak to a church about the importance of the census.
Rowland said Franklin County had a 73 percent response rate for the 2010 census, and he wants to top that this upcoming year with a response rate of 91.5 percent.
“We really just want people to hear about the census and be familiar with it so when it comes time to take it, we are able to have good numbers,” Rowland said.
Each person who is counted on the census equates to $1,600 a year for 10 years that Franklin County receives.
Rowland said the committee plans to have signs in businesses with information about the census. He said he has also already begun meeting with schools about offering facilities where people are able to take the census with translators in case they need them.
The census will begin March 23, 2020, so Rowland said he and his team are continuing to increase awareness as the date draws nearer.