Trunk-or-treats fill Franklin County
Every Halloween, princesses and ghouls fill the streets as children and adults alike embrace the Halloween spirit. Although going from door to door used to be the main way of collecting Halloween sweets, several local communities and churches are spending Halloween trunk-or-treating.
The Franklin County Chamber of Commerce is hosting its fifth annual Trunks of Treats in downtown Russellville from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 31.
Vehicles will line Jackson Avenue downtown from Lawrence Street to Lauderdale Street. This area of downtown will be blocked off.
Each year, individuals, churches and local businesses fill the spaces on the side of the road to prepare for the estimated 300 trick-or-treaters who will fill the downtown area.
“My favorite part is seeing the community involved, along with giving children the opportunity to trick or treat within a few blocks,” said Franklin County Chamber of Commerce director Cassie Medley.
Russellville Health Care will host its own Trunk-or-Treat Halloween night from 5:30-7:30 p.m. All ages are encouraged to bring candy and experience Halloween with loved ones.
Red Bay is also hosting its annual trunk-or-treat Halloween night, beginning at 5:30 p.m. and continuing until 8 p.m. on Fifth Avenue SE, behind First Baptist Church. All vehicles are encouraged to be in place by 5 p.m. to pass out candy, with all area churches, businesses and industries invited to participate.