Russellville library showcases Native American demonstration
Thursday the community will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Native American culture as the Russellville Public Library partners with Oka Kapassa.
The Oka Kapassa Native American Demonstration will begin at 6 p.m. and is free to all ages. The event will include a Native American storyteller and a Native American flute maker.
“I think it’s important to know your history because it helps influence where you’re going,” said library director Ashley Cummins. “I think it’s also important to know the cultural history for your area. We try to do our best to offer that type of information that citizens are interested in but maybe don’t know where to find.”
The event will feature Freeman Owle, an Eastern Cherokee, who will tell traditional Cherokee stories.
Will Marjo, a Muscogee Creek, will also be there to demonstrate some of the Native American flutes he makes. Marjo is a sixth generation flute-maker who has been honored with having his flutes displayed at the Smithsonian and performing at one of President Barack Obama’s inaugural balls.
“We are just really excited to get another part of local history in the library,” Cummins said. “We try to do our best to do things that represent our history and our community.”
This is the library’s first time partnering with Oka Kapassa. The event will give a small taste of what people will find at the Oka Kapassa Festival Friday and Saturday at Spring Park in Tuscumbia.
For more information on the Oka Kapassa Festival, contact Colbert County Tourism at 256-383-0783 or visit