Homefolks U.S.A.
Hi folks,
This week I would like to dedicate our story to a person who has made a great impact in the lives of so many people.
This lady had many talents that she shared with everyone she came in contact with. Her acts of kindness will always be remembered, and her memory will continue to live on.
She was special because she could take adversity in her own personal life and turn it into an opportunity for serving others. She lost her husband after being married 46 years. In addition she lost two of her sons, a granddaughter, her mother and father and two sisters. This would have been enough to cause a major setback for most people, including myself, but she just changed gears and kept going.
She was a great asset to Vina High School, serving as a Foster Grandparent for 20 years. She was an expert in crochet and embroidering, and many friends and people she loved dearly have articles of her work that are cherished very much.
She loved people, and she portrayed that love in everything she would undertake to do. She was not a quitter, and she portrayed that determination right to the very end of her life.
She was a devout Christian lady and attended church on a regular basis. She will certainly be missed by everyone, especially the members at the Posey church of Christ.
She graduated from Belgreen High School in 1950, and she was employed at Lance Garment in Red Bay for 30 years.
She kept her mind active by loving her God, her family and her many friends and loved ones. So many people made remarks about her generosity and her care and concern for all she came in contact with. I am sure she made a positive impact on the many children she served as a Foster Grandparent.
I believe three words that could describe this lady’s life: God – Family – and Others.
It is a great honor to dedicate our story this week to my sister in Christ, Mrs. Martha Jean Willingham Taylor.
Till next time,
Your friend,