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City of Red Bay holds July 15 council meeting
The Red Bay City Council met July 15. The work session started at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting began at 7 p.m. The mayor and all city council members were present.
In city departmental reports, Parks and Recreation director Dean Hubbard reported:
- The new splash pad is doing well. Hubbard said there was an initial misconception about the price; however, that has been cleared up now.
- All lights in Bay Tree Park have been installed. A little work on the electrical is all that remains to be done in connection with the project.
- Signup for girls’ volleyball for third through sixth grades is still going on through July 19 at 4 p.m. at Red Bay City Hall.
The council held an executive session regarding security at Red Bay School. No votes were taken on the matter.
Job postings will be announced in relation to the following:
- Jeremy Robinson’s three-year term on the Dixie Youth Board expires Sept. 8, 2019.
- Jeremy Robinson’s three-year term on the Youth Basketball Board expires Sept. 8, 2019.
- Soccer board vacancies mentioned in the Nov. 26, 2018, minutes.
The council also:
- Approved the city partnering with Franklin County Schools for fencing from the kindergarten building to the elementary hallway. The city will pay a third of the cost from the City of Red Bay Education Fund.
- Approved purchasing a full-page ad in the 2019 Football Program at a cost of $130.
- Approved participating as a $300-hole sponsor for the 2019 Three-Man Scramble Golf Tournament sponsored by the Red Bay Quarterback Club.
- Approved invoices as presented for payment.
- Approved minutes for a council meeting and work session held June 27.
The next regularly-scheduled meeting of the Red Bay City Council will be Aug. 5. The work session will begin at 6:30 p.m., with the meeting beginning at 7 p.m., at Red Bay City Hall, 203 4th Ave. SE.