Homefolks U.S.A.
When we notice the beautiful flowers that are beginning to bloom, we know that God is beginning to wake up nature. Those that appeared dead a few months ago are beginning to put on new growth, making a beautiful shade for us to sit outside and enjoy God’s handiwork.
What a great time to be alive.
I have been doing some spring cleaning, but it is hard to let go of a lot of the “stuff” that I have accumulated throughout the years. In my cleaning out, I ran across a great story that I have kept for so many years, and it brings joy and happiness, so I am going to share it with the readers of Homefolks U.S.A. today.
This song tells a real story. The song was written by Horatio Spafford, a Christian lawyer.
The story begins:
His only son died at age 4 in 1871. In 1872 the Chicago Fire wiped out his vast estate. From his successful career in 1873, he sent his wife and four daughters to Europe on a summer trip. He planned on following later. The ship sank, and he lost his four daughters, his wife being the only survivor. She sent him a famous telegram, which simply read, “Saved Alone.”
On her return home, his law firm was burned down, and the insurance refused to pay, saying it was an act of God. He had no money to pay for his home and no work, and he lost his home.
As the story goes, while sitting thinking about what had happened to him, being a spiritual person, he wrote a song: “Whatever my lot, you have taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.
A good attitude will determine your altitude. When you look at your life, career, job, or family life, what do you say? Do you praise God? Do you blame the devil?
A good attitude toward God makes God move on your behalf. Just say, “Today God, it is well with my soul.”
I’m thankful for peaceful sleep. Thankful to be alive. Thankful I have a roof over my head. Thankful I have a job. Thankful for my family and friends. Above all, I have the Lord Jesus Christ on my side.
Be blessed, and don’t be envious. Thank God for what you have. Little is much better, when God is in it.
It is well with my soul.
Till next time,
Your friend,