Homefolks U.S.A.
Hi folks,
Eleven years ago a bundle of joy entered my life. She was so tiny, yet you could see a big heart, and she loved me right from the start. She has never left my side in the years that she has been with me.
She listens when others don’t, and she is very forgiving when I fail to spend quality time with her.
She has a special chair that she lays in every day at the store and a recliner that she takes a lot of naps in at home. Many times, she will look at me and make all kinds of motions and various barking sounds. I really wish I knew what she is trying to tell me – and really, I think I know.
She has a special love in her heart for everyone, and she always enjoys going to the Watermelon Festival every year. She watches people and loves it when she is noticed. She has kind eyes, and she really likes for people to notice her and say kind words to her.
She does not like loud and aggressive people, but if you offer a kind word, she will never forget you.
We all could learn a lot from my friend, if we would only try. She holds no grudges and always remembers those who take time to say hello and give her a pat on the head. I think she is beautiful, and I tell her that every day.
On warm days she loves to sit on the bench outside the store and watch the traffic and people who drive by.
She knows no special tricks, and she really likes people better than she likes animals. She does not like to get her feet wet, and stormy weather really makes her nervous. She has a special place that she “does her business.” She is not street smart, so extra precaution always takes place when we go for a walk.
She will pose for a picture, and believe me, I have a lot of pictures of my dear friend.
I really believe she can tell when I am having a difficult day and when I am having a great day. She will blend in on both occasions. She is a little jealous when I show any attention toward other animals because she likes to be noticed first and wants all the attention.
What a great friend she is and a loyal companion to say the least. April 10th was a special day. It was her birthday, and she got extra special treatment that day – Oscar Meyer hotdogs and chicken from Bojangles.
What more can I say?
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Katie, happy birthday to you!
Till next time,
Your friend,