Club Chronicles: Retirees learn about healthier lifestyles
The Franklin County Education Retirees Association met in Red Bay Feb. 20 at the Weatherford Center. Everyone enjoyed the delicious luncheon provided.
A very informative program, “Lifestyle to Live Healthier,” was presented by Elaine Softly, representative of the Franklin County Extension Service. Some of the facts that she discussed about how to make our lifestyles healthier were:
- Have blood pressure checked regularly and keep it below 120/80.
- Eat a healthy diet consistent with recommendations of the American Heart Association.
- Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week.
- Reach and maintain a healthy weight.
- Have your cholesterol checked.
- Keep your fasting blood glucose at less than 100 mg/dL.
- Do not smoke or use other tobacco products.
Brenda Hall distributed information on upcoming travels planned for retirees. They include a New York City and The Statue of Liberty Tour May 1-9; Cuba Cruise Oct. 9-17; and Myrtle Beach Holiday Show Trip and Charleston, S.C. Nov. 10-16.
President Sandy Gibson reported that our organization reported a total of 6,178 community service hours for the past year. The members were encouraged to complete the community service activities sheet for Jan. 1 through Feb. 20 and turn it in, since we are starting a new year.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.