Land transactions: Jan. 18-25, 2019
Jan. 18
Yolanda Mojica Alvarado to Blanca Julisa Mojica, power of attorney
Marjorie M. Gandy to Katelyn Fernandez, survivorship
Blue Creek Land Co. Inc. to Melchor Patino Ramirez, survivorship
Jan. 22
Ditech Financial LLC to Daniel Wayne Sullivan, quit claim
James Marks to Myra Kaye Rogers, affIdavit
James Ray Fretwell to Timmy J. James, warranty
David Hugh Daily to Freddy A. Argueta Escobar, warranty
James Edward Glasgow Jr. to Deborah Glasgow, power of attorney
William P. Swinson Sr. to Corine Swinson, power of attorney
Jan. 23
Milford E. Gentry Sr. to Jesse A. Ramirez-Escobar, warranty
Mitchell Cole to Marsha W. Cole, quit claim
Mitchell Cole to Marsha Oliver, quit claim
Ostap Woloschuk to Woloschuk Properties LLP, quit claim
Woloschuk Properties LLP to James M. Mitchell, survivorship
Jennifer Ann Mitchell to Jennifer B. Mitchell, affidavit
Jan. 24
Vera Stidham to Jeffrey N. Stidham, warranty
George E. Vinson to Winston Properties LLC, quit claim
Albert C. Cleveland to Albert C. Cleveland, certification of trust
Albert Charles Cleveland to Ryan Bullock, warranty
Jan. 25
Timothy Dewayne Stehno to Teresa Gail Masterson, warranty
James Don Kimbrough to Mark Olive, warranty
Reinford Freeman to Larry W. Freeman, warranty
Robert E. Ward to Tammy Burnett, warranty
Corine A. Swinson to William P. Swinson, power of attorney