Dedicated citizens enhance FC
A few weeks ago, Franklin County took the time to identify and commend some of the people who make this such a wonderful place to live.
The annual Partnership Awards Banquet recognizes the best of the best among us – the movers, shakers and difference-makers who are impacting Franklin County for good. Whether it’s for distinguished service, beautification, volunteerism or excellence in industry or education, these awards highlight those who have set themselves apart through their efforts in bettering our corner of Alabama.
We just want to add our own congratulations to these fine individuals who make their contributions toward helping Franklin County continue as a wonderful place to live, work and play.
Our teachers, our industry leaders, our innovators and our public servants – all play a part in adding value to our communities.
People who commit themselves to improving their world deserve some recognition, so we’re glad the Partnership Awards Banquet – a joint endeavor by the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce and the Franklin County Development Authority – continues each year to honor these standout citizens. It’s a way of showing them we see their efforts and take pride in their accomplishments.
We also want to take a minute to congratulate the nominees for awards – as well as those all across this county who work to make it a better place.
Although not everyone wins an award for their roles in the community, everyone’s positive contributions have value. Every effort made – whether it’s clearing litter off a street, being an encourager to local youth, planning a community event, running a business on Main Street – has merit and boosts Franklin County a little higher. We have so many people in this county who are dedicated to doing their part to see Franklin County progress into an ever-better and ever-brighter future, and they are to be commended.
Congratulations, to our award-winners and to all. We tip our hat to you.