Back Country Horsemen hold state meeting at RBCEP
Jan. 16, the Back Country Horsemen of Alabama, Rock Bridge Canyon Chapter, hosted the state meeting for the Back Country Horsemen of Alabama at Rock Bridge Canyon Equestrian Park.
Representatives from all over the state, including Warrior Mountain Chapter, Wilderness Chapter, Northeast Chapter, Central Alabama Chapter and a representative from chapters from Mississippi came to represent their local chapters.
During the day’s events, the Rock Bridge Canyon Chapter worked together to raise funds for a grant application the park was applying for. The members cooked and sold breakfast plates, smoked and sold Boston butts, held an auction selling donated items and baked goods and held a guided hike for the non-horse riders who wanted to support the park. By the end of the day, Jane Williams, BCHA Rock Bridge Chapter secretary, was able to present Rock Bridge Canyon Equestrian Park with a donation of $1,500 to cover the cost of the grant application.