Rash of traffic deaths a sobering alarm for area
By Staff
The past week has been a devastating one for many area families and school communities.
Vina tenth grader Chelsey Hacker lost her life last week in a one-car wreck while one student from nearby Colbert Heights lost his life in an accident that also killed his mother.
A second Colbert Heights student died just two days later in a separate accident.
Then, on Tuesday afternoon, we received word of another traffic fatality. This accident occurred in Littleville within yards of the scene of last week's fatal crash.
No names had been released as of press time in Tuesday's fatal crash.
There is something very sobering when word comes across that an accident has occurred. No life is more valuable than another and wrecks can happen to any of us.
They can claim the young or old or the weak or strong.
We all have a sense of responsibility, maybe now more so than ever, to use caution as we drive on our roadways.
Our lives are not the only ones at risk.
Our hearts are with those relatives, friends and classmates of the ones so tragically lost.