Montgomery: Champion for the military
By Staff
Montgomery said it was his love of people that sparked his interest in public service.
He was elected president of the student body at Mississippi State University. And he is still proud that he never missed a vote during his 10 years of service in the Mississippi Senate.
While in Congress, one of Montgomery's closest friends was George H.W. Bush who went on to serve one term as president.
Although Montgomery served as a Democrat, he often supported key Republican legislation and he was a leader among conservative Democrats during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush years.
Close friends
Montgomery left Congress in 1997, but he still keeps up with his friends. Crawford was with Montgomery last year when he went to hear the current President Bush, George's son, speak in Madison.
Montgomery still thinks the younger Bush is doing a good job, but said he would like to see the war in Iraq come to a quick conclusion and admits it seems to have hurt the president politically.
Montgomery advises people to keep up with happenings in Washington because of military base closures slated for 2005 that could include installations in Mississippi.
Montgomery said he was never much of a political philosopher. He said he just concentrated on what he knew best in Congress the nation's defense, its veterans and military, and people.
The Montgomery File
Name: G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery
Age: 83
Family: Single
Home: Meridian
Education: Graduate, Mississippi State University
Military service: Served in the U.S. Army 12th Armored Division in Europe during World War II; served in the Mississippi National Guard, rising to the rank of brigadier general
Work: Owned and operated an insurance agency in Meridian for about 14 years; served as Mississippi state senator for 10 years; served in U.S. House for 30 years
Key Dates
Aug. 5, 1920: Born in Meridian.
January 1943: Graduates from Mississippi State College.
February 1943: Enters U.S. Army as a private.
May 1943: Commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army's 12th Division and sees combat in Europe. Joins the Mississippi National Guard after the war.
1954-1968: Operates Montgomery Insurance Agency in Meridian.
November 1955: Wins seat in the Mississippi Senate.
November 1966: Wins seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
1968: Serves on the House Veterans Affairs Committee; becomes chairman from 1980-1994.
October 1969: Wins promotion to colonel in the Mississippi National Guard.
1970: Serves on the House Armed Services Committee; serves as chairman of the House Select Committee on U.S. Involvement in South east Asia.
June 1974: Receives promotion to brigadier general in the Mississippi National Guard.
1975-1978: Chairs the House Select Committee on Missing Persons in Southeast Asia; travels to Vietnam seeking information about missing U.S. servicemen; chairs the Special House Committee on Southeast Asia.
January 1981: Retires from the National Guard after 35 years of service.
April 1984: Congress approves Montgomery GI Bill.
1990: Leads House delegation in negotiations with North Korea to return remains of U.S. servicemen killed during the Korean War.
1995: Receives the Defense Department Medal for Distinguished Service;announces he will not to seek re-election in 1996.
1996: Receives the Army Distinguished Civilian Service Award.