Two play last game for Meridian
By By Robby Atkinson / staff writer
May 21, 2004
Sheena Evans and Kenya Smith played in their final games at MCC on Thursday
afternoon in the world series. Smith is going to attend Jackson State next season to continue her career and Evans has yet to determine her next stop.
"It was fun playing at MCC the last two years," said Evans. "I am a little disappointed to lose, but it was a great run after we won the first game."
Tournament officials are very confident that the championship game is going to be viewed on ESPN on a taped-delayed basis.
"We have tried in the past to arrange this and we believe that will come true this year," said tournament director Dennis Pelcher.
The championship game of the tournament is slated for Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
Cold regional
The team from Cuyahoga, Ohio had a rough road to the NJCAA Division II World Series. The team hosted its regional and had to play most of the game in cold weather which included snow and sleet.
"We had a rough go of it in our regional to get here," said Cuyahoga third baseman Bonnie Vondrak. "We can't imagine what it is like back in Mississippi and it was fun getting to know the girls from Meridian."
Opening ceremonies
The opening ceremonies were scheduled for 9 a.m. at field one of Rogers Park. The teams were to be introduced and recognized by the city of Fort Dodge. The Lady Eagles were warming up around the same time and almost missed the opening ceremonies. MCC hustled from its practice field to arrive just in time.
Corn Fields
The great thing about Iowa is the corn fields and Rogers Park made that a great feature. The entire facility was surrounded by many corn fields and an airport was also located nearby. During the first round game against Black Hawk College, a plane was on its final approach and caught the players and fans off guard.