Rolison, Oates
By Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul Mosley, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Dale Rolison, all of Quitman, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kristen Kaye Rolison, to Thomas Michael Oates Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Michael Oates, Sr. of Quitman.
The wedding will be Saturday, June 5, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. at Coopers Chapel United Methodist Church in Quitman.
Miss Rolison is the granddaughter of Maxine Rolison and the late H.E. Rolison, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Carl Daniels, all of Quitman.
Miss Rolison is employed by Glass Incorporated.
Mr. Oates is the grandson of Bennie Sue Hubbert of Quitman and the late Gaylon Brooks Hubbert Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Marvin Oates Jr. of Bay Springs.
Mr. Oates is the owner of Oates Monument Company.
A reception will be held following the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Michael Oates Sr., 601 Betty Circle in Quitman.
Family and friends are invited to attend.