Employment in the world of wine
By By Stan Torgerson / wine columnist
April 7, 2004
There are many ways of making a living, some good, some bad, some indifferent. How does the World of Wine sound to you as a career change?
You can't have my job. But you don't need it, either, because there is great demand in the field and not too much supply.
This week I mused through the Help Wanted section of my favorite wine magazine and found opportunities galore. Think of spending your working days being paid for tasting free wine. If you like the idea, here may be a place for you. Like most good sales jobs they don't export these positions off shore. Coming up, samples of the ads.
Living in South Florida with all the wine a man can drink. How does life get any better than that?
Wine division account executive
Forget South Florida. Grab your bottles and see the world. And get paid for a job like that? Wow.
Wine sales leader, Anchorage
I'll pass. Been there and, while I haven't done that, being there on cold winter nights doesn't seem to match South Florida or world travel. Take my word for it.
Wine steward/sommelier
Earn while you learn in sunny California.
Sales consultants polaner selections
Think of the on-the-job training for this job. What you don't know you can learn.
Italian Wine Portfolio Sales Manager
Any car salesmen out there whose first name is Tony looking for a career change?
These are all legitimate jobs which listed their phone number or e-mail addressee. Others are stores or distributors from Massachusetts, Vancouver and Gallo Wine Co. with openings in Manhattan, Las Vegas, Washington and other U.S. locations. Northern Virginia and New York City are looking for people who know something about wine or want to learn. Some of them call for four year degrees in marketing, even if your wine knowledge is limited.
I didn't list the contact numbers mainly because I thought some people would treat these jobs as a joke and they're not. But if any of the openings interest you, call me at 482-0930 or e-mail me at stant@strato.net. I'll provide the information.
And some day when you're rich and famous with a wine cellar I would weep to have, send me a bottle or two of your best. Deal?