Religion briefs
By Staff
A donation of $15 is requested at the door. For more information, contact Tina Lyon at (601) 774-9125, 774-9108 or 562-1274.
The congregation of East Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate the 21st anniversary of the church's pastor, the Rev. Randall Bohannon, with a pre-anniversary banquet at 6 p.m. at the church, 6818 Poplar Springs Drive.
The Rev. Orgin Grant of St. Paul Baptist Church, New Orleans, will be guest speaker. Tickets are $10, adults; $5, children.
On Sunday, the Rev. Dr. Robert Webb of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Yantley, Ala., will deliver the anniversary message at 3 p.m.
Grandview Church of God will host a gospel meeting featuring the Rev. Olin Kern of Newbern, Tenn.
Services are Sunday at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., and Monday through Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Revival begins and continues through Friday at Liberty Church of God, 3718 Eighth St. Services are 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Sunday, and 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Guest evangelist will be the Rev. John Shiver of Tampa. Ordained through Elim Fellowship, a Christ centered, worldwide revival ministry based in Lima, N.Y., Shiver is a faculty member of the Christian Life School of Theology, Columbus, Ga.
During more than 25 years in the ministry, Shiver has ministered in more than 2,400 services spanning 41 denominations and ministerial fellowships across the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Africa and India.
The Missionary Society of Pilgrim Progress Baptist Church will host a Women's Day Program at 3 p.m. Darius Johnson, wife of the Rev. Jimmy Johnson, pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church, will be guest speaker. Special music will be presented by the W.C. Griffin Singers. The church is at 608 14th Ave.
BUTLER The Seven Seals Program will be at Paradise Baptist Church at 6 p.m.
The Children and Youth Ministry of St. John Missionary Baptist Church will present the Alcorn State University Gospel Choir at 7 p.m. at the church, 2000 18th Ave.
RIDGELAND New Beginnings International will present a Healing Prayer Clinic March 27 at 211-A Industrial Drive. Teaching is from 10 a.m.-10:45 a.m. and personal ministry is from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. No appointment is needed and there is no charge. For more information, call (866) 899-2727.
EDINGBURG An outdoor play depicting Jesus' last days on earth including the events of Palm Sunday, the Lord's Supper, the crucifixion and the resurrection will be presented March 27-29 at 7 p.m. at Pine Grove Church of God, Highway 16 East, 11 miles east of Carthage. For more information, call (601) 267-3368.
WARD, Ala. The Seven Seals Program will be at Pine Grove African Methodist Episcopalian Church March 28 at 6 p.m.
QUITMAN The Grace Heavenly Angels Praise Team will celebrate its second anniversary with a special program on April 3 at 6 p.m. at The Meeting Center (formerly the Shriner's Building on Highway 18 West of Quitman).
Special guest will be the Silent Voices Praise Team, Waynesboro; the New Christian Faith, Allen Chapel Praise Team, New Vessels of Christ Praise Dancers, Crusaders for Christ Drill Team and Fifth Street Daughters of Zion with Babes in Christ, all of Meridian; God's Anointed Praise Ministry, Quitman, GMB Drill Team, Hattiesburg; Ebenerzer Praise Team, Heidelberg; Bethlehem Praise Team, Shubuta; St. John Missionary Baptist Church Praise Team, Vossburg; and other other guest groups.
For more information, contact Patricia Arrington, 776-9014, or Kendra Davis, 776-9302
PEARL Blessing Moms with Ballet!, a benefit concert, will be presented May 8 at 7 p.m. at Cornerstone Church, Highway 80. The performance, which is free, will feature the Ballet Magnificat! Tour Company, Ballet Magnificat! II, Ballet Magnificat! Trainee Company and upper level students presenting favorites and premiere pieces.
An offering will be collected to benefit the Center for Pregnancy Choices, which serves women by meeting their needs when faced with an unplanned pregnancy with information, medical services and pregnancy, parenting and adoption support.
For more information, call Ballet Magnificat!, 601-977-1001.