Dove season
By Staff
Sept. 1, 2002
Dove season opens at an odd time today as thousands of Mississippi hunters are expected to hit the fields at 2 p.m. Just as odd is the federal regulation that prohibits hunting doves during the month of August, given that doves probably don't recognize the same calendar as we humans do and a day probably wouldn't have made much difference.
Dove season usually opens early on the Saturday before Labor Day, but since that day fell during the month of August this year, the decision was made to open the hunt today. And, in a respectful nod to normal hours of Sunday worship, the decision was made to open the season at 2 p.m.
Confusing? Yes, but hunters will quickly adapt to this unusual situation as they make their way to their favorite shooting grounds.
It's a good time, though, for another word of caution: Be careful out there.