Lauderdale County 4-H'ers do well at horse show
By Staff
Special to The Star
Aug. 25, 2002
Lauderdale County hosted the 2002 Southeast District Horse Show July 11-13 at the Agri-Center.
There were 250 youth and more than 300 horses entered in this year's event from the 21 counties of the Southeast District.
Lauderdale County was represented by seven members competing in 22 classes, ranging from halter to speed events. Members had to qualify at the district show to advance to the state show July 17-21 in the Expo Center in Jackson.
All seven competitors qualified to perform at the state level in at least one event.
Jessie Fortson placed first in the Aged Quarter Horse Mares at the state show, and first in Halter Mares at the district show and second in Showmanship.
Tucker Wagner was reserve champion in the Pony Geldings class and second in Pony Mares.
Ashley Gerrard was reserve champion in the Registered Appaloosa Mares.
Margie Kate McDaniel placed second in pole bending.
Rachael Pritchett placed third in Halter Mares.
Catherine Lucky place fourth in the Grade Halter Brood Mare class and Marisaa Demille placed third in the Registered Appaloosa Gelding's class.
Lauderdale County was well represented at this year's district show.
I would like to say thank you to all the sponsors: S&S Trailer Sales and Tack, Rick Justice Chevrolet and Southern Trailer Sales. And thanks to the volunteers and parents who helped keep the show running smoothly.
If you are interested in horses, and between the ages of 8 and 18, consider joining the Lauderdale County Horse Club. It offers educational programs, a chance to be involved in a community service project clinics on horsemanship skills as well as a chance to compete at district and state level shows with other 4-Her's. You also meet people who share some of the same interest as you do.
For more information on the 4-H program, call the MSU Extension office at 482-9764.