Police investigate robbery
By Staff
July 25, 2002
The Meridian Police Department is investigating an armed robbery at the Astro Motel, 2107 South Frontage Road, that occurred Wednesday at 8:45 p.m., Detective Deano Harper said.
Harper said two black men wearing ski masks and armed with a silver gun forced their way into a guest's room, robbed him and tied him up.
Motel manager Devang Patel said the two men, both about 6 feet tall, then called him down to room No. 11 to fix a leaky sink, tied his hands and legs, taped his eyes closed with duct tape, took his keys and robbed the register of $560.
Patel said his wife and brother noticed something was wrong and found him and the guest tied up in the room.
If you have any information, call CrimeStoppers at 485-1860.
Lynette Wilson