Thursday, Jan. 24, 2002
By Staff
Brian Dabbs' local service recognized
To the editor:
Our friend Brian Dabbs will be sorely missed. It's possible you don't know Brian. Still, he has been your friend and a great friend to all in our area.
For the past 12 years Brian has been the economic developer for Mississippi Power Company assigned to our region. Now, Brian has been promoted to a new position within MPC, requiring him to move from Meridian to Gulfport.
Brian was a key member of the Navy Meridian Team during all three base closure rounds. Since then he has served as Team Leader and our representative on the state military council. Thanks, Brian, for all the hard work.
Brian has been a key supporter of the State Games of Mississippi, currently serving as chairman of the board. Thanks, Brian, for helping to make this venture a point of pride for our area.
Brian has been a key facilitator for our Leadership Lauderdale program. And, for the past several years, he has chaired the team that puts on this important program. Thanks, Brian, for helping us develop our leaders for the future.
This captures just a small part of the work Brian has done day in and day out for all of us. Economic developers, home schoolers, MathFirst participants, people of faith, and many others know and appreciate what Brian has meant to our region.
Most of all, we will miss Brian's attitude. Always calm, warm-hearted, and friendly, Brian has often been the salve that made his many teams function effectively.
Thanks for all you've done for us B.D. And good luck to you, Anita, Drew and Preston in your new position.
Bill Crawford
The Montgomery Institute
Lauderdale County Farm Bureau commemorates
Food Check-Out Day'
To the editor:
Food in America is affordable. In fact, between Jan. 1 and Feb. 8, the average American will have earned enough income to pay for his or her family's entire 2002 food supply.
As a result, the Lauderdale County Farm Bureau is celebrating Feb. 8 as the Farm Bureau's Food Check-Out Day.
According to the latest statistics compiled by the USDA's Economic Research Service, American families and individuals currently spend, on average, just 10.6 percent of their disposable personal income for food.
Applying the current 10.6 percent statistic to the calendar, it means the average household will have earned enough disposable income that portion of income available for spending or saving to pay for its annual food supply in just 39 days.
In comparison to Food Check-Out Day, Tax Freedom Day, the day the average American had earned enough money to pay federal, state and local taxes, was May 3 last year, according to the Tax Foundation.
Blizard hopes Americans will come to understand that the high-quality, affordable food they enjoy is "a product of our successful food production and distribution system, as well as America's farmers retaining access to effective and affordable crop protection tools."
Diane H. Gillespie
Federation Secretary