Local Digest
By Staff
Saddle Club to meet May 10
The Bonita Lakes Saddle Club will meet May 10 at the Lauderdale County Agri-Center. A gift of equestrian equipment will be presented. A meal will be provided beginning at 6 p.m.; the meeting will be at 7 p.m. To make reservations, call Jennifer Seals at 482-1005 or 482-5781.
Juvenile Center hosting yard sale
The employees of Lauderdale County Juvenile Center will hold a yard sale in the parking lot May 11, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., and on May 12, beginning at 1 p.m. All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. The center is located on the 20th Street Extension across from East Mississippi State Hospital.
Letter carriers sponsor food drive
The National Association of Letter Carriers, in conjunction with the U. S Postal Service and the United Way of Lauderdale County, will collect non-perishable food items on May 12 for distribution to the Wesley House, Salvation Army and the South Harbor Homeless Shelter. Please place a food donation by your mailbox on May 12. Your letter carrier will pick it up and deliver it to the food bank.
Bonita Lakes Mall hosts look-alike contest
Organizers at Bonita Lakes Mall and WOKK Radio are looking for look-alike mothers and daughters. Registration is currently under way for the third annual Mother-Daughter Look Alike Contest, scheduled for May 12 at Bonita Lakes Mall. Pre-registration is required and early registration is advised. There is no fee to enter. For information, call The Radio People at 693-2661.
Golf tournament to benefit Boys and Girls Ranch
An one-day benefit golf tournament sponsored by the Newton County Sheriff's Department will be held May 12 at Beaver Creek Golf Club. The tournament will get under way at 9 a.m. The two-person select has a 30-team limit, with golfers playing 18 holes. The entry fee is $70 per team, which includes a barbecue lunch. All proceeds benefit the Mississippi Sheriff's Boys and Girls Ranch. For information, call Johnny Upton at 683-6560 or Mark Killens at 683-6940.
Trail ride to benefit "dumpster dogs"
The Second Annual Tom Stephenson Memorial Trail Ride, sponsored by the Bonita Lakes Saddle Club, is set for May 12.
Registration is from 8 a.m. -9 a.m. at the boat landing. The morning ride runs 9:30 a.m. – noon. Lunch is from noon-1 p.m. and is included in the $15 per person donation for the event. Children 12 and under pay $5. Proceeds will benefit the Dumpster Dogs and Cats of Lauderdale County.
For information, call Linda Barham at 681-8295 or Tom Butler at 485-7100.
USM alumni to meet
The East Central chapter of University of Southern Mississippi Alumni Association and Eagle Club will meet May 14, at 6:30 p.m., at Northwood Country Club in Meridian. Guest speakers will be President Horace Fleming and head football coach Jeff Bower. The cost of the meal is $20. For ticket information, call Millard Quigley 693-7280 or Dick Simmons at 681-9706.
Arthritis Action Day set for May 17
Arthritis Action Day will be held May 17, from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., at Frank Cochran Center in Highland Park. Speakers will present information on "Reducing your Risk for Osteoarthritis" and "Prevention and Control of Osteoporosis." Bone density screenings and arthritis risk assessments will be offered. For information, call the Arthritis Foundation at (800) 844-8400.
Relay for Life Softball Tournament
The Newton County Relay for Life Men's Softball Tournament will be held May 19 at Decatur Youth Ballfield. There will be a $250 (non-refundable) entrance fee for each team, and prizes will awarded. The entry deadline is May 11. For information, call Gayle Duett or Lisa Stephens at 635-2321.
Hickory Day set for June 9
Hickory Day will be held June 9 in Hickory's downtown park. Events include shopping booths, antique cars, entertainment, games and a children's corner. For information, call 646-9496 or 646-2211. The event is sponsored by the Greater Hickory Chamber of Commerce.