Jan. 24, 2001
By Staff
Why is gasoline higher here?
To the Editor:
I have been making trips over to the MS delta over the last six months and my trip requires that I travel through Philadelphia. I have noticed that gasoline is 6 to 8 cents per gallon cheaper there than Meridian. This past Saturday gas was 14 cents per gallon cheaper. My question is this why?
Meridian is on the pipeline. Why is gas more here than there?
Bill Stallworth
Clinton's plea bargain
To the Editor:
Clinton's plea bargain for lying in a court of law and
obstructing justice sets a precedent confirming once and forever that justice in America is pure hypocrisy.
Clinton, who never intends to practice law again, is punished by having to forfeit his Arkansas law license for five years! His administration was a lie from day one, and, fittingly, ends with a lie.
Jimmy Reed
Legislative support sought
To the Editor:
The Legislature has several bills before it affecting your rights. Two of these bills are trying to raise your child support. One of these bills, HB344, is sponsored by state Rep. John Reeves, R-Jackson. The other bill, SB2275, is sponsored by state Sen. Dean Kirby, R-Brandon. Reeves was quoted several years ago as stating the Chancery Judges need this increase in child support. I have heard he is now saying that the divorce lawyers need this increase.
Rep. Reeves is a divorce lawyer who mostly defends women in divorce proceedings. Personally I think it is a conflict of interest for him to introduce a bill like this, but we know how divorce lawyers are.
I ask that you call your state senator and representative to let them know how you feel about these bills.
All bills and status of bills are located on
You ask what can one person do? That is all it took last year to change the law (and elect a president). We will never win in court until we change the law.
Eleridge E. McCracking